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MSNBC’s “The 11th Hour” caricatures the president with a piercing show entry.

MSNBC caricatures the president with a piercing show entry

MSNBC’s “The Eleventh Hour” had a show entry that in less than two minutes shows a president living in fantasy land as death and economic destruction continue.

A president living in fantasy land

Brian Williams in his entry to the MSNBC show “The 11th Hour” was poignant and scary. It made it clear we have a president purposefully detached from reality even as it is all around him.

Williams enumerated a litany of lies, misleading information, and bravado using clips of Trump in his own words.

“At the White House today, nothing but rosy scenarios in the Rose Garden,” said Brian Williams. “The President said, quote, a lot of good things are happening. He is determined to start opening the country.”

To be clear as Indivisible Houston President Daniel Cohen pointed out in his article, the country was never closed or turned off and does not need to be reopened or turned on.

You can’t turn an economy off or on.

Economies don’t operate via light switch, and this is not a semantic quibble. Saying you want to “turn the economy back on” makes it seem as though economic activity is in a zero sum relationship with medical mitigation; it’s not. Some economic activity is happening now an will continue. An economy is “on” if there is trade. Trade = an economy. It’s what it is. People want stuff, other people have it, they trade.

In spite of the failure of that metaphor and the fair warning of both economists and health experts about the damage bringing us all physically together could do, the idea of turning something that is already “on” back “on” still persists. It’s a line of thinking that hurts us now and in the future and prolongs our misery. We don’t need to think of the economy as it was before COVID; we need to think of it as it is now and in years to come.

Williams made it clear we are living in two different worlds. And his transition from Trump’s purposeful fantasy land to reality was short, stark, and witty.

“As we let all that settle in,” Brian Williams transitioned into the reality-based section of his report. “Let’s check back in with the real world, shall we?”

He then went through the horrific numbers of this pandemic and our failure to have an effective testing modal.

It is misguided to sit back and blame the president for all of these problems. The president needs a cadre of sycophants, profiteers, and enablers to elevate a system that was already taking advantage of the well-being and personal economies of Americans to an exponential level. We need to all work together to rid ourselves not only of the president but those who’ve allowed the pilfering through designed chaos.

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