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Steve Schmidt on Trump: “He’s an imbecile.” & calls his media personalities, “Spectacularly nuts”

Steve Schmidt on Trump: "He's an imbecile." & calls his media personalities,"Spectacularly nuts"

Steve Schmidt progressively fine-tunes his critique on the president and this time he includes the president’s supporters in the Right-Wing media. The excoriation was palpable.

Steve Schmidt nails the President

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Steve Schmidt had some doozies in his assessment of Donald Trump in this particular rant. He did not hold back, A few repetitive statements and pauses were removed to expedite the experience. The start of his rant was probative.

“When we look at the whole spectrum of the nonsense that’s communicated to the American people through the vast and sophisticated Trump propaganda network that is heavily influenced by misinformation,” Steve Schmidt said. “That is intended to divide the American people put into the social media sphere by hostile foreign intelligence services. It is a real threat to comity in our country.”

Schmidt then reminded the listeners of the silly statement the president made from injecting disinfectant and many other articulations. He correctly pointed out that the president’s willful ineptitude is responsible for the thousands of deaths in the United States.

But Steve Schmidt did not forget the President’s most vociferous sycophants. his Right-Wing media.

“When you look at Alex Jones, and you look at Laura Ingraham, and Judge Jeanine and all of them,” Schmidt continued. “Each and everyone in their own right’s spectacularly nuts.”

He points out that they are dangerous to many of the vulnerable people who follow them. As Schmidt continued, he was even more graphic with the president.

“Trump is many things,” Schmidt said. “He has lied to the American people more than 17,000 times. He is completely corrupt. He is indecent. He is vile. He is divisive. But, at this moment in what matters the most, he is an imbecile. There is no other word for it.”

Schmidt continued with a striking further excoriation of the president as being the worst. He identified Trump’s fundamental problem in the most eloquent and piercing manner at the closing of his rant.

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