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Tacho Medellin: Just Another Kill For The LE Trophy Case

My friend Tacho Medellin of wrote in a much more cogent manner, what I would have similarly written today about “just another kill.” I continue to increasingly rage internally and reading Tacho this morning deconstruct the issue was very comforting. Many of us do understand.

Tacho said something in concert with but more civilly than I said on Tuesday’s Politics Done Right program.

I am pretty much at the end of my trust threshold when it comes to law enforcement. Even if I do have friends and relatives in law enforcement. Whenever I hear someone running for sheriff or someone wanting to be a leader in government over law enforcement I want to hear about how they are going to change the culture of law enforcement. How they are going to stop the killing for no reason of black and brown people.

And then I want to see them do it. The usual brown-nosing for police union endorsements doesn’t give me much hope at this point. One who wants to lead needs to lead the way for change. It is that simple.

We need to stop the fallacy that most cops are good until they stop protecting their members who murder people of color and lie in complicity with a willfully ignorant society that allows them to get away with it. Then again, just maybe the police are just an augmented alter-ego of society with a badge and the authority to indiscriminately kill those that society deems less-than.

Just Another Kill For the LF Trophy

Tacho writes the following in his article Just Another Kill For the LE Trophy Case.

Among George’s last words, as a cop’s knee pressed into his neck for nine minutes, were, “Mama, Mama.”

That was before the sounds coming out of him became agonizing moans. And that was before he was flopped onto a stretcher, his neck snapping before the cop (obviously not an EMT tech) grabbed hold of his head so it would stop flopping around as he was placed on the stretcher before he was placed in the ambulance. (He probably remembered he was on camera.)

George Floyd is another black person in an ever-growing long line of victims of police brutality and state-sanctioned murder. He joins names like Ahmaud Arbery, Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, and Michael Brown. …

Please read Tacho Medellin’s entire article here.

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