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Doctor slams President. Trump’s action ‘Criminal’ and is “public health malpractice.”

Doctor slams President. Trump's action 'Criminal' and is public health malpractice

Dr. Vin Gupta was pulling no punches. He lit into President Trump calling his actions criminal and tantamount to public health malpractice.

Dr. Vin Gupta castigates the president.

Watch full episodes here.

Gupta reminded the audience that the sensible medical community was urging the President that at minimum, have the rally outside instead of in close quarters. Of course, the president did not listen.

Now there is a total of eight of Trump’s staff who are infected with COVID-19. So those infected could have been carriers as well. The doctor implied that a few weeks from now, this event will backfire on Trump as people start getting sick.

When Brian asked Gupta about Pence and the COVID-19 team. The doctor lost it.

“The Vice-President?” Dr. Gupta replied with disdain. “Let’s be honest, Brian. I don’t want to hear from the Vice-President because he has just been a megaphone for the disinformation campaign from the very beginning. What I would love to see is Dr. Fauci, and Dr.Birks be giving the microphone back.”

On a political note, we cannot let up on what occurred in Tulsa. The media will have amnesia. It is up to independent media, social media networking, and having uncomfortable conversations when applicable, that changes minds and can give us the margins in certain areas.

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