Twogether Reasons for Trump to Resign Now—No Ifs Ands or Barrs
Before I go into a five million percent negative against Trump I first want to congratulate him for consistency on his current Facebook ad working Trump’s new statue-oriented campaign strategy. The ad declared, “WE WILL PROTECT THIS” and featured a photo of … no, not some historical Confederate general astride a horse but “Cristo Redentor,” the famous statue of Jesus Christ that sits atop Mount Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro, which, for those keeping track, is not in the United States but in Brazil, a sovereign nation in a different continent.
Okay done with that. – Now let me go full board negative. Trump uniquely treats the United States not as a pandemic but as an “opportunity” to punish states that elected Democratic governors and Black communities and immigrants. What president in our long history scorns science, medicine, our institutions, our military and expertise of all types, and plain old common sense in favor of his bulbous, bloated, and constipated gut, He treats them all like a four-letter word.
So it’s come to the better half of our populations and our nature that women leaders have had nothing but success in dealing with the COVID-19 as opposed to our catastrophic president that has nothing but failures in dealing with his bipartisan invisible enemy- the Coronavirus. Whether it was Angela Merkel in Germany running up a far lower death rate than neighbors in France or Italy; 34-year-old Prime Minster Sanna Marin in Finland whose all-women-led coalition came up with a plan leading to just 6% of the deaths in Sweden; President Tsai Ing-wen leading Taiwan through a plan so successful that the total number of deaths for the whole event to date is 7; or all-star Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand, who was proclaimed the most effective leader on Earth in uniting her country to completely eradicate the disease there. Women: They got the job done. Humbly, gracefully, forcefully.
As of Monday, New Zealand had 23 cases of COVID-19, all of them being carefully monitored in isolation. The United States had 1,620,520, and states were waving the white flag on even attempting to conduct contact tracing or case management. While these women-led nations show the world that dedicated leadership on testing, contact tracing, case management, social distancing, and protective measures can successfully reduce the death rate and contain the disease, the United States has become the poster child and a parish state of shame for how to do every possible thing absolutely wrong.
How might things have been different? Well … theoretically if we had that woman president…
On December 31, 2019, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission in Hubei Province, China, informed the World Health Organization (WHO) that there was a suspicious cluster of pneumonia cases in the area. This information was immediately passed on to WHO members, and in the United States, it was brought to the attention of the Global Health Security and Biodefense unit under Navy Rear Admiral R. Timothy Ziemer. On New Year’s Day, Ziemer briefed Clinton, who authorized a U.S. team to join the WHO Incident Management Support Team as they evaluated this new disease. Two weeks later, the virus has been sequenced, WHO has issued technical guidance warning of the potential for spread, and the first case has appeared in Taiwan. Public health experts are in place in airports in New York City, San Francisco, and Los Angeles to screen incoming passengers from China. ( Believe it or not, almost all of this happened under … that other guy, (other than the biodefense team, because tragically they now no longer exist.) And that, like everything else in this catastrophic administration which gets everything wrong is where we are today, .