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Chuck Todd slam of Trump admin response to COVID-19 was total & unequivocal

Chuck Todd gave excoriating slam of COVID admin response

Chuck Todd gave an intro to Meet The Press that should make the Trump Administration cringe and should make anyone supporting the President suspect.

Chuck Todd, where was this reporting before?

Watch complete episodes here.

I have a question for Chuck Todd and the rest of the mainstream media. Where was this type of unequivocal reporting of something that should have been apolitical? The fourth estate is there to protect us from fraudulent government and corporations causing us harm among other necessary services to society.

Imagine if Americans were informed prior to much of the nonsense, conspiracy theories, and other frivolities metastasizing in the psyche of Americans as being true or plausible. The media is still behind the curve of the all out war necessary to call out the Trump administration not only for dereliction of duty, but for fraud, voluntary manslaughter, and total incompetence.

Todd called out the vice-president for lying to Americans about the panic about COVID-19 being overblown. That was not a misstatement by the vice-president, it was a calculated lie.

Trump’s response to COVID-19 puts America a distant last among industrialized countries in more infections and deaths. Yet because of early indoctrination not countered forcefully by the media, (i.e., mask-wearing, social distancing, shutdowns, personal freedom, morbidity, and more) Americans made the virus spread exponential.

America will never be the same again. COVID-19 exposed an inhumane social safety net not seeing in any industrialized country in the Western Hemisphere. Americans will either see the light by instituting all of the progressive ideas on the table or meander into pseudo third world country status with most living in misery as we serve the select few profiting off of our decline. The 2020 vote will be consequential and existential for most.

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