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About John Lewis: He loved America until America learned to love him back

John Lewis

Rev. Dr. Raphael Gamaliel Warnock had the most profound statements at the funeral of the honorable Democratic Congressman from Georgia, John Lewis.

John Lewis was intent on making a better America

Watch the full episode here.

John Lewis accolades are not hard to come by. After all, he lived the same life from the civil rights days to his passing. The following statement encapsulates the Congressman’s life.

“He became a living walking sermon about truth-telling and justice-making in the earth,” Reverend Raphael Gamaliel Warnock said. “He loved America until America learned how to love him back.”

The Reverend then points out why in these difficult and trying times we pause to memorialize John Lewis.

“What is it that has summoned us here and caused us to slow down to linger for a little while,” the Reverend said. “With so much swirling around us, we’re summoned here because in a moment when there are some in high office who are much better at division than vision, who cannot lead us so they seek to divide us. In a moment when there is so much political cynicism and narcissism that masquerades as patriotism, here lies a true American patriot who risked his life and lived for the hope and the promise of Democracy.”

This short clip is powerful and encapsulates the totality of the Congressman without itemizing his immeasurable accomplishments.

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