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Former Republican excoriates Lindsey Graham: He deserves to be beaten

Former Republican & Presidential Candidate - Lindsey Graham deserves to be beaten

Former Republican Evan McMullin did not mince his words. He wants Jaime Harrison to defeat South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham.

Lindsey Graham must be defeated

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Craig Melvin asked Former Republican Evan McMullin how can a state be fed up with their incumbent senator but still embrace Trump. McMullin said that the Quinnipiac Poll showed a very close presidential race as well.

McMullin pointed out that Lindsey Graham used to be a never-Trump guy before he wasn’t. The people likely remember that. He said that Graham warned Americans that Trump was very dangerous. And instead of voting for Trump, in 2016, he voted for McMullin running as an independent.

Lindsey was right then. So what happened? McMullin said that after the election, Graham had to make a decision. He had to decide if he would become an enabling sycophant, my paraphrasing.

“He simply has no core,” McMullin said. “Lindsey Graham has no core. He has abandoned the American people. He has abandoned the constitution. And he in no way deserves to be reelected.”

McMullin was not done. The following words show his disappointment with the fraud Lindsey Graham has become.

“He is a massive disappointment,” McMullin continued. “I am sorry to say as someone who I respected for years. But he has shown his true colors in the last four years. And he deserves to be beaten.”

McMullin then went on to say how to beat him.

“There should be a cross-partisan coalition in South Carolina formed by Democrats, Independents, and principled Conservatives, and Republicans to unseat him,” McMullin said.

I interviewed Jaime Harrison a few months ago. His message is consistent. He will be the South Carolina Senator who supports South Carolinians, unlike Lindsey Graham who forgot that it is them who he serves. Check out the interview here.

Could it be any clearer? Jaime Harrison must win.

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