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We are rounding the corner on the virus/plague/COVID: Disqualifying Presidential Lie

Disqualifying Presidential Lie: We are rounding the corner on the virus/plague/COVID

Donald Trump continues to welcome his followers into a dangerous alternate state of reality. As he says, “We are rounding the corner on the virus,” the pandemic is spiking higher.

We all know what Donald Trump is doing with the coronavirus; the way he’s handling it is a dereliction of duty. He does not deserve re-election based on how he’s doing. It’s worse. I think it’s getting to the point where we can start talking about charges against this guy because of what he’s doing and what he’s telling the public.

Rounding the corner

See full episodes here.

Donald Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic is disqualifying. Unfortunately, absent impeachment, there is no option to remove a dangerous president before his term expires. That is a constitutional defect that needs repair. Unfortunately, our polarization does not leave much hope.

America will look back at the Trump era as the beginning of its decline. Unfortunately, Trumpists who generally falsely believe the country is solely theirs are the ones responsible for this unpatriotic loss of respect.

In the next few days, Americans must decide whether it will be party, pride, and gullibility over the country. It seems like the majority of Americans are starting to see the light. We must have a landslide in this election.

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