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This willful ignorant Trump behavior is dangerous & will kill both his sycophants and many of us.

This willful ignorant Trump behavior is dangerous & will kill both his sycophants and many of us.

These few clips illustrate the immediate danger that Trump sycophants face. Unfortunately, the virus does not distinguish puts all at risk.

Trump, a clear and present danger

See full episodes here.

Donald Trump is a very dangerous president. He is even more dangerous when he finds his back against the wall. And that is where he is now.

The president knows he is losing. He also knows that if losing the presidency loses his immunity from prosecution. A rabid dog against the wall is at his most dangerous.

The president does not mind putting the life of his supporters in danger. He believes his super spreader rallies give him a better chance to overcome his deficit against Joe Biden for some unknown reason. It will not. What it will do is kill many of his supporters.

Trump is telling audiences that getting sick with COVID-19 is not all that bad. You get it, and then you recover because there are now therapeutics. The president may want to contact his doctors. While he was privy to the best treatments, his supporters are likely not.

But the president made an even more dangerous statement. He told them that once you get the disease, you are immune. That has not been proven,

This post’s clips show the lengths this president will go through to convince his followers to disregard masks and social distancing. He wants them to feel like he is their liberator after their captivity to the Democrats. He expects they will vote for him for freeing them. After all, we know he believes he is Abraham Lincoln

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