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Van Jones smacks down Rick Santorum’s attempt to normalize Trump’s destructive tone

Van Jones smacks down Rick Santorum's attempt to normalize Trump's destructive tone

Van Jones made Rick Santorum look like the little man he is as he tried to appease Donald Trump’s caustic behavior. He was successful.

Van Jones is right

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Rick Santorum made a mistake to claim that only elites care about Donald Trump’s obnoxious and less than presidential tone. Van Jones did not take that kindly. Watch his response in the clip in this post.

“I think we’re going in the wrong direction,” Van Jones said. “The tone matters to my children matters. I think the big mistake that the Trump Administration made for all the good that they did on criminal justice and opportunity zones and other stuff that I was proud of them for is that they fail to understand that, yeah, actions speak louder than words if you’re a normal person. But when you’re the President of the United States, your words speak louder than your actions. And his words every day made America a nastier place, a more toxic place.”

Van Jones then continued to make his case.

“There are a couple of things to get us to unity,” Jones said. “Tone is very, very important because when people just get smashed upside the head, they can’t think clearly. So that’s got to go away. And then on the policy part, I think that anti-poverty, I think that criminal justice, mental health addiction, infrastructure, family leave, there are economic policies that can bring us together. There’s gonna be some culture war stuff that pulls us apart, but I think we have a responsibility to put forward those economic ideas and support this president.”

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