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Biden supporter’s perfect response to a reporter asking if Trump concession is necessary.

Trump Biden supporter's perfect response to a reporter asking if Trump concession is necessary.

It does not matter if Trump concedes are not. He lost the election. Asking if he will concede is a formality this woman understands.

Biden supporter: Trump non-concession? Who cares.

See full episodes here.

“My last question to you is there are questions about if president Donald Trump will concede,” asked the reporter. “Do you need to hear that?”

The reality is I am tired of the obsession the media has about Trump conceding. The response from the Biden support was perfect.

“No. I could care less,” Biden supporter replied. “He’s irrelevant at this point. We’re here for President Biden. The country needs to move on. We have to unify. If Donald Trump doesn’t want to act like a grown-up, then we don’t need to listen to him. We don’t need to spend any more time focused on his division. We need to unify.”

Trump is one insignificant human being. He has the temperament and aptitude of a child. He has no power unless others are willing to execute any fraudulent dictates he might ask of them.

As the Biden supporter said, the media’s obsession with whether he will acquiesce to his loss is irrelevant. It is only relevant if others choose to execute any of his orders during the lame-duck period. Whether trying to activate the military against its citizen, confiscate ballots, or otherwise, he remains a petulant loser in the White House if no one follows his orders.

A message to the media, stop scaring people. Trump is an insecure paper tiger.

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