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Color of Change Heather McGhee has a poignant message to the White Trump supporter.

Color of Change Heather McGhee has a poignant message to the White Trump supporter

Heather McGhee nails the pathology that allows a large percentage of white Trump supporters to fall for the voter fraud lie by communities of people-of-color.

Heather McGhee gets to the core

See full episodes here.

Heather McGhee did the perfect job of deconstructing the white Trump supporter correctly. It does not absolve them of responsibility but acknowledges the genesis of the pathology. She points out why the white Trump supporter can so quickly believe that there is voter fraud in minority communities.

“This is clearly about race,” Heather McGhee said. “In the white imagination, there is a very quick transition from, you know, you see a person of color and you think criminal. And that is not because it is something that happens in the white mind by itself. That is something that has been a story that has been sold over generations in this country. And it is hammered in rhetoric by Fox News and the Right-Wing Media. The idea that a citizen would do something illegal by casting a ballot only can travel in grooves that have already been laid out by racism. So that is why the white voters who support Donald Trump think that ‘sure, people in Detroit, they must be criminals. They are black. They could do something illegal by voting as American citizens. And that is the thing we have to tackle.”

Could it be any clearer?

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