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His young family’s bout with cancer & subsequent expenses scream the need for Medicare For All

Jon Myles cancer Medicare For All

The family just had a kid, and then they were faced with a breastfeeding mother who found out she had breast cancer. And then …

Jon Myles tells his family’s cancer story

See full episodes here.

“He is deep,” said Briege MCP, one of our regular listeners of Politics Done Right (PDR). Indeed he is. And he needed all of that depth to deal with the healthcare ordeal that would afflict his family soon after his child’s birth.

Jon Myles is a member of the “Can’t Tell Us Nothing” improv group. We met virtually a few days before Election 2020. We did a special for KPFT 90.1 FM Houston. I loved their act and asked them to be on a subsequent PDR show. They kindly accepted.

Before we started the show, we got into talking when Jon started telling the story about his wife’s bout with cancer. I asked him if he would tell the story to our audience. He said OK.

Jon Myles recounted the difficult story. He spoke about the tribulations he went through not being able to be at his wife’s beck and call because of COVID-19. He spoke about the ridiculous price of healthcare and how both he and a wife recovering from cancer had to their best to pay the costly hospital bills.

Jon said there were times the only time he could laugh is the comedic relief he got for a few hours when among his “Can’t Tell Us Nothing” posse.

Jon Myles’ story is riveting. Most importantly, it is yet another story that proves exactly why we need Medicare for All. I hope that encouraging people to speak out about their healthcare problems will snowball into action. Americans suffer too often in silence. It is that silence that allows politicians to get away with bad policies. That has got to stop.

Thank you, Jon Myles, for revealing your story to our audience. As more people do, I am sure we will reach that critical mass to ensure our politicians meet our healthcare demand, Medicare for All.

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