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Former McCain strategist Steve Schmidt explains why an autocratic GOP made him a registered Democrat.

Former McCain strategist Steve Schmidt explains why an autocratic GOP made him a registered Democrat.

While explaining why he became a registered Democrat on his appearance with Lawrence O’Donnell, Steve Schmidt did not mince his words.

Steve Schmidt fights autocratic fascist GOP as a Democrat

See full episodes here.

Lawrence O’Donnell pointed out to Schmidt that he could have remained independent. He wanted to know what made him leap to become a card-carrying Democrat.

Schmidt went into his historical prose about the two parties. He elevated Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, and FDR, a Democrat.

“I look at the Republican Party,” Steve said. “And what I see is something that approximates what happened to the Wiig Party.”

He made it clear that the obsolescence would not be immediate. But they will get there.

Schmidt wanted to highlight the severity of the actions by 126 House Members and 18 Attorney Generals that supported an Amicus Brief to the Texas lawsuit seeking to invalidate legally cast votes.

“That wasn’t a legal act,” Schmidt said. “That was a junk lawsuit. … It was a political statement. It was a declaration of repudiation against the core tenet of American Democracy which is in this land the people are sovereign and that we pick our leaders.”

Schmidt pointed out the Right-Wing extremist fascistic political violence that occurred in DC over the weekend. He said it was all incited by Trump.

Why a Democrat?

“What I believe is, to the core of my being, for the rest of my life,” Steve Schmidt said. “We are in a fight now between an autocratic sensibility that’s taken root in this country in four short years. And the leaders of the country are going to matter. It is going to matter what party they come out of. In the Republican Party, a majority of them voted for this autocratic moment.”

“Look, they are in a coalition of conservatives and autocrats,” Steve said. “And that is bad for America.”

“The party that’s going to defend American liberty,” Steve said. “Is the Democratic Party. And that is why I joined it.”

Welcome, Mr. Steve Schmidt.

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