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No! AOC did not lie about her insurrection experience. Here are some excerpts from her riveting story.

AOC Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 2

The Right-Wing created another conspiracy theory. They claim Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s experience during the insurrection was a lie.

AOC recounts her experience

See full episodes here.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) was riveting as she described her Capitol insurrection experience. These few excerpts are probative.

ACO had a poignant statement concerning Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and complicit Republicans.

“We knew that violence was expected on the 6th,” AOC said. “We knew that that violence was predicated on someone telling the lie, the big lie about our elections. We knew all of this in advance. … Someone holding up the lie that our election was fraudulent. Lies that Republican Secretary of States said were a lie. Republicans had said it was a lie. Republican governors have said it was a lie.”

And then AOC went for the politicians.

“And these Senators, Ted CruzJosh Hawley, knew that it was the lie,” Ocasio-Cortez continued. “And they knew these violent people needed the lie.”

The Right-Wing has its human and automatic bots out, attempting to continue keeping the wool over the head of their followers. They claim her account is a lie. Here are the claim and the truth according to AP.

CLAIM: U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democrat from New York, falsely claimed she faced rioters in the main Capitol building during the Jan. 6 insurrection.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Ocasio-Cortez never claimed she was in the main Capitol building, nor did she claim she was face-to-face with a mob of violent rioters. In an Instagram Live video about the riots, she explained that she was in her office in a neighboring building on the Capitol complex, where she experienced a frightening encounter with a Capitol police officer who she said didn’t announce himself.

It is like playing Whac-A-Mole with the Right-Wing. But it is important that these misinformers are fact-checked.

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