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Yep! Republican Gov: Trump’s TOXIC. GOP showing insanity & signals BIG LIE deniers not wanted.

Yep! Republican Gov: Trump's TOXIC. GOP showing insanity & signals BIG LIE deniers not wanted.

Maryland’s Republican Governor Larry Hogan appeared on CNN’s State of the Union and pretty much decimated the Republican Party & Trump but has hope.

Republican governor continues to admonish his party

See full episodes here.

Larry Hogan may have an easier time talking against his party and Trump since he is in a blue state. It does not detract from the importance of his message.  And Hogan was clear in how he described Donald Trump and how he excoriated his party.

Hogan was asked if the GOP was signaling to sensible Republicans like him are unwelcomed.

“ Well, it certainly appears to send that signal,” Larry Hogan said. “It’s kind of doubling down on failure. We have lost the White House, the House, and the Senate over the past four years. And to continue to do the exact same thing and expect a different result is the definition of insanity.”

When asked if Liz Cheney is correct about Donald Trump as an ongoing threat to American Democracy, he was more explicit.

”I think he’s toxic for the Republican Party and for the country,” Hogan said. “And I think we have got to — we have got to find a way to get the Republican Party back to the party of Lincoln and Reagan, get back to the more traditional big tent party that can appeal to a majority of people. Otherwise, we simply aren’t going to have control, we’re not going to get the White House back, and we won’t have control of the House and the Senate.”

We do not need all Republicans or most Republicans to detach themselves from the madness. We need enough to make close districts winnable. And I think we are getting there.

As Bill Kristol said, — I cannot believe I am quoting Bill Kristol — in our interview last week, we need sensible Republicans to realize that the choice is binary. One must vote Democratic if they believe in Democracy.

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