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WH Press Secretary Jen Psaki throws shade on Trump as she answers Fox News Reporter’s silly question

WH Press Secretary Jen Psaki throws shade on Trump as she answers Fox News Reporter's silly question

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki is always ready to use the bait given to throw it right back when warranted. Fox News gave her a toss-up.

Jen Psaki does not let an opportunity to shade appropriately go unused.

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Peter Doocy once again tried to be a smart ass. Instead, she calmly neutered his premise that instead successfully made it clear that Trump had no legitimate foreign policy.

 “The president says that foreign policy is something he has done his entire life,” Fox News’ Peter Doocy said with a gleeful face. “Is it working?”

I am sure that the reporter thought he had a gotcha. After all, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict continues. And Netanyahu continues to poke his finger in the U.S. President’s face.

Psaki knew exactly how to answer the question. She pointed out that the global community is clear that America is back. In fact, America has a seat at the table. She pointed out that America has begun reasserting its lead on climate and is back in the diplomacy game. She pointed out that the administration is reengaging with the world and NATO. Psaki then put salt in the wound, Trump’s hide.

“We are certainly working on changing the tide of the last four years,” Psaki said.

Jen Psaki immediately went to the next question. She had already made her point.

As good as Psaki is and as impressed as many progressives are with how she swats flies, we do not want her to spin the left. We know better.

Sometimes Jen Psaki is too good. The way she has been spinning the destruction in Palestine is not desirable. I had hoped that by now, the U.S. Presidency could have come up with a way to engage a misbehaving Israel that is very dependent on our support. We hope that the behind-the-scenes work by the administration is fruitful while she spins because the lives of many Palestinians are at stake.

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