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Democratic Op calls out GOP Op on Critical Race Theory: ‘Not grassroots.’ ‘Organized & paid for.’

Democratic Op calls out GOP Op on Critical Race Theory: 'Not grassroots.' 'Organized & paid for.'

Republican political strategist Brad Todd tried to validate the Critical Race Theory faux-issue. Democratic pollster Cornell Belcher & Chuck Todd checked him.

Critical Race Theory defender checked

See full episodes here.

The Republican Party is great a messaging, even as they generally use it to mislead. They do it on every platform and, like what Republican political strategist Brad Todd did here, creates an opportunity to parrot the GOP lies.

Brad used a slight opening to make the case that there was the real reason for Americans to revolt against Critical Race Theory (CRT) on school boards etc. Chuck Todd attempted to point out that the CRT hoopla was manufactured, but Brad discounted his statement.

To be clear, CRT is not taught in Elementary, Middle, or High School. American History is. Unfortunately, what the GOP is objecting to is an honest version of American History, and it is good and bad.

Republicans should heed the president’s recent comments when he signed the Juneteenth Holiday bill.

I said a few weeks ago, marking the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre, great nations don’t ignore their most painful moments. Great nations don’t ignore the most painful moments. They don’t ignore those moments in the past. They embrace them. Great nations don’t walk away. We come to terms with the mistakes we made. In remembering those moments, we begin to heal and grow stronger. The truth is, it’s simply not enough just to commemorate Juneteenth, after all the emancipation of slave black Americans didn’t mark the end of America’s work to deliver on the promise of equality; it only marked the beginning. To honor the true meaning of Juneteenth, we have to continue toward that promise because we’ve not gotten there yet. The vice president and I and our entire administration and all of you in this room are committed to doing just that.

Democratic political pollsters Cornell Belcher did not allow Brad to get away with his misinformation about Critical Race Theory. He pointed out there was nothing grassroots about it. It was paid for by controlling powers.

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