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Jen Psaki stunts Fox News Doocy’s attempt to change reality: GOP actually voted to defund the police

Jen Psaki stunts Fox News Doocy attempt to change reality- GOP actually voted to defund the police_

In another civil takedown, Jen Psaki did not allow Fox News’ Peter Doocy to rehabilitate the GOP for voting to cut funds to the police.

Jen Psaki outsmart Fox News Peter Doocy again

See full episodes here.

It seems like Democrats are learning the art of leading the narrative. For some time, the Republicans have been tagging Democrats with the #DefundThePolice moniker. 

To be clear, I believe in the real intent of the moniker. We need to remove funding used in policing that has no business there to address areas that would mitigate crime. The problem is that in a world of soundbites, it is difficult to sell the real meaning of #DefundThePolice.  But when the demagoguing party gives one a neutralizing soundbite, it makes it that much easier to accomplish.

The American Rescue Plan gives Democrats a hell of a weapon. In voting it down, the Republicans have given a narrative that can be used in so many areas. Most importantly, Democrats are starting to see the value in using it. How do we know that? When Fox News Chris Wallace used it against a Republican politician, it is working. When Fox News Peter Doocy continues to try to rehabilitate the GOP like he attempted to do in the video in this post, it is working.

When Peter Doocy attempted to get Jen Psaki to say that the main purpose of the American Rescue Plan had nothing to do with crime or the police proper, she did not allow him to yet again chain the narrative. She pointed out the bill supported the police and that every Republican voted against the police: poetic justice.

Every time Republicans attempt to use the #DefundThePolice Moniker against Americans, the Democratic response must be, ‘Every single Republican has a recorded vote against funding police.’ Punto y final!

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