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Red State Republican politicians’ death wish coming into full view as schools open.

Red State Republican politicians' death wish coming into full view as schools open

Red State Republican Politicians throughout the country are passing laws that harm all, especially those who voted for them.

Red State Republican Politicians’ Death Wish

See full episodes here.

Schools are starting to reopen for the fall. Competent leaders are ensuring children are masked. Unfortunately, in states like Texas, Florida, and Tennessee, mask usage is not mandatory. Superintendents in Dallas, Houston, and Tennessee are disregarding the death-wish-pushing governors. They are considering mask mandates.

I sent a note to one of my friends on our school board. She sent me their policy which is completely wanting. The following two specific points shows their irresponsibility.

I posted and replied similarly after I got over my anger.

Humble ISD (HISD) Board Members’ failure to require masks on kids is tantamount to having random kids enter the school with loaded machine guns while firing at their peers. The wounds are bloodless but kill or maim permanently, nonetheless. Our HISD board members will likely join our Republican politicians in Austin who have murdered many Texans by denying them the insurance we Texans have already paid for (Medicaid Expansion to the Affordable Care Act) as they are willing to sacrifice the lives of our kids for an ideologically imposed death-wish.

Red State Republican politicians claim they are moral and fiscally responsible. Their stance on masking and vaccines proves they are neither. They do not mind others dying for a factless ideological stance. That is immoral. And increasing the propensity of their population getting sick explodes budgets. Hospitals are overwhelmed, causing the health deterioration and deaths of those suffering from other ailments.

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