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Tiffany Cross schools ‘persecuted’ MAGA Treason Rally. We survived this act before & will again!

Tiffany Cross schools 'persecuted' MAGA Treason Rally. We survived this act before & will again!

Tiffany Cross did not mince her words about today’s MAGA insurrectionist rally. The premise that they are persecuted denies reality.

Tiffany Cross schools the MAGA insurrectionists

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An exasperated Tiffany Cross used a lot of sarcasm, objectivity, truth, and a good storytelling technique on this one. Watch the whole thing.  She started her soliloquy this way.

“I really don’t know how to capture the current state of affairs in the United States,” Cross said. “I’m here in the nation’s capital, and just outside, there are sporadic gatherings of white supremacists and MAGA members protesting democracy. And all across these divided states, there are at least 75 million people who voted for the MAGA ruler to continue to lead this country down a path of degradation.”

Tiffany enumerates the genesis of our collective frustration. During the Civil Rights marches and protests, there was no insurrection. Even as a certain demographic in America were persecuted, as our government stripped their rights, no treasonous attack occurred on our country.

“It’s a good time to remind the people that Frankenstein was the doctor, not the monster, as my friend Michael Eric Dyson says, “Cross said. “And now the Frankenstein that is the extreme right has created the monster of white supremacy which is now cannibalizing. We all suffer because of them from the folks who mistake masks for persecution to the folks who deserve prosecution and even the marchers today hailing those hundreds of violent insurrectionists as heroes and martyrs .”

Cross is baffled by what is called patriotism. She should not be. After all, patriotism for those on the Right is but a foil. They do very little in our socioeconomic or international space to enhance the country.

Cross is not complaining, nor is she resolved to maintain a status quo. Instead, she made the reality of the truly persecuted very clear.

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