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A graphic example of the unvaccinated causing the deaths of others indiscriminately.

A graphic example of the unvaccinated causing the deaths of others indiscriminately.

Even though both had been vaccinated, the wife of a man who died justifies blaming the unvaccinated for killing her husband.

Unvaccinated killing innocent people

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The pain in this widow’s words was palpable. And she went there. She made it clear that her husband is dead because of the immoral disregard for life that the anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers have.

Both the widow and her husband have pre-existing conditions. These pre-existing conditions made them more susceptible to breakthrough COVID-19 infections. And that is exactly what occurred.

When asked if she thought taking the vaccine was useless, the widow was adamant. She believes it saved her life. Unfortunately, not her husband.

Recently we wrote a story from the point of view of the unvaccinated. A 24-year-old man with a young daughter urged everyone to take the vaccine. He wished he had. He had fallen for all of the fake information. The young man is no longer with us.

Unfortunately, we are at a point in our country where ideology is overriding any sense of clairvoyance. We have allowed charlatans to so distort our minds that it has cost America over 670+ thousand lives. We could have mitigated the pandemic in the United States just like they did in Australia.

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