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Republicans are begging us to kill the filibuster. This is why we better listen.

Republicans are begging us to kill the filibuster. This is why we better listen.

Republicans are so used to Democrats caving to their obstruction that they think it will drive us to a 2022 defeat. Kill the filibuster.

The solution to obstruction is killing the filibuster

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As I watched the news all day today, I wondered why it was so difficult for Democrats to get the nation’s job done. If Democrats are who Democrats say they are, Republicans handed them the opportunity to do the things Americans say they want. We do not have to filter it through their benefactors.

According to a recent poll, Americans will blame Democrats for a government shutdown. I am sure they will blame us for any lame bills we were to pass that do not make the monumental type of change most Americans want.

Killing the filibuster allows us to build back better truly. More importantly, it ensures several cycles worth of victories. Why? Because we will drill the truth into the minds of Americans. Electing Republicans means taking away their earned benefits, the modus operandi of Republican orthodoxy. 

Killing the filibuster has another substantial benefit. Our purchased Democrats can no longer hide behind Republican obstruction. They cannot use it as cover. Republicans have now made it untenable not to kill the filibuster. 

DEMOCRATS!!!! What are you waiting for?

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