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Deluded Editorial: Democrats will thank Joe Manchin for protecting them from Progressive excess. NOT!

Deluded Editorial: Democrats will thank Joe Machin for protecting them from Progressive excess. NOT!

Washington Examiner Sr. Political Correspondent David Drucker wants Americans to believe that Progressives are a danger and Joe Manchin is their savior.

Joe Manchin & Progressive Excesses?

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Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema continue playing games with their support for the human infrastructure bill. It has nothing to do with what most Americans want. They would like to characterize their behavior as being fiscally responsible. But the truth is they are just shills for their corporate benefactors.

David Drucker, the Washington Examiner Sr. Political Correspondent had an interesting notion. He said that Democrats are trying to pass a bill that Americans did not vote for. He then claims that there is a 50/50 Senate and a near 50/50 House. While that may be physically true it is the result of not having a real Democracy.

That California has the same number of Senators as Wyoming says it all. California has a population of almost 40 million and Wyoming has a population of 0.58. That is not a Democracy. Not to mention, the gerrymandering in the Red States has Conservatives overrepresented in the House of Representatives.

All the polls say that most Americans by a large majority support President Biden’s Build Back Better policy. Republicans, Sinema, and Manchin are out of step with the average Americans as they carry water for their wealthy benefactors and corporations.

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