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AT LAST! Pelosi confronts Tapper on blaming progressives for delayed Build Back Better vote.

AT LAST! Pelosi confronts Tapper on blaming progressives for delayed Build Back Better vote.

Jake Tapper attempted to malign progressives. Speaker Nancy Pelosi set the record straight to a backpedaling host. But she did something even more important.

Nancy Pelosi v. Jake Tapper

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As usual, the mainstream media hosts always attempt to malign progressives. While not necessarily objectively intentional, they know what their masters prefer. Jake Tapper tried to slip in a dig on progressives during his interview of Nancy Pelosi.

“There are a lot of people who are very eager for the bipartisan infrastructure bill to come up and be voted on as well,” Jake Tapper said.  “And progressives have said they’re not going to vote for that until there’s at least a deal on the larger social safety net bill. You said the House must pass the bipartisan infrastructure plan by October 31st which is a week from today. Moderates are frustrated two deadlines have been missed because of the progressives. Do you, are you going to meet that goal?”

Speaker Pelosi would have none of it.

“Wait wait a minute,” the speaker interjected forcefully. “There was no deadline that was missed because of the progressives, okay. Their line was missed because they changed from 3.5 to one-half that. And we’ve had to go in. And it’s lamb meet lamb. Everything is good in the bill. What do you cut, okay?”

While she absolved progressives from blame in passing the bipartisan infrastructure bill. She did something that is just as important. She reiterated that both bills must pass. Progressives are not the ones making the passage of the President’s Build Back Better policies slow or delayed.

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