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Biden slams profiteering oil company corporate thugs using their hostage-taking to push green energy

Biden slams profiteering oil company corporate thugs using their hostage-taking to push green energy

President Joe Biden, true-to-form, artfully called out oil companies. He used their legal theft to promote the need for green energy.

Joe Biden confronts oil companies

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Joe Biden slammed oil companies today. Some will see the interview and consider it a relatively passive speech. Yes, it was rather passive, but ironically, it may touch the people who are not real Democrats that he lost.

So what exactly did Biden do? He used the oil price surge strategically.

  1. Biden acknowledged that gas prices were going up and decided to do something about it.
  2. Instead of unilaterally opening the American oil reserve, he worked with other large countries to do the same. That gives the kind of volume that may nudge oil companies as they want the profits for the sale of crude.
  3. Biden then made it clear that the price per barrel had gone down 10%, and the oil company corporate thugs pocketed the saving as they socked it to Americans. He made the oil companies, not the government, the villain.
  4. He made it clear that a move to electric cars and renewable/green energy would remove the gasoline boom/bust cycles. In other words, the oil company’s greed makes selling green energy much more accessible.
  5. And to ensure America knows oil companies are to blame for the price rise, he made it clear investigations are forthcoming.

Those of us who always want to bring a gun to a gunfight may not be happy with Biden’s tone. But if Biden can neutralize the opponent with another tool. I will take it.

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