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Another GOP assisted death: 30 days after demanding her freedom from vaccination, COVID freed her.

Another GOP assisted death: 30 days after demanding her freedom from vaccination, COVID freed her.

Kelly Ernby, former Orange County GOP state Assembly candidate and deputy D.A., dies of COVID-19 weeks after demanding freedom from mandates.

Republican Assisted death

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From the DailyKos

Another Victim of the GOP Death Cult

Kelly Ernby, former Orange County GOP state Assembly candidate and deputy D.A., dies of COVID-19

The writer should’ve led with this buried copy — seems germane: 

During the pandemic, Ernby remained an ardent and vocal opponent of COVID-19 vaccination mandates.

As recently as Dec. 4, she spoke against such mandates during a rally outside Irvine City Hall. Organized by the UC Irvine and Cal State Fullerton chapters of Turning Point USA, the rally drew dozens in attendance, according to the Daily Titan, a Fullerton student newspaper.

“There’s nothing that matters more than our freedoms right now,” Ernby said

But we’ll let Jon Fleischman, former executive director of the California Republican Party and a longtime Orange County GOP activist, have the last word:

She was very passionate about her love for politics, for America and the Republican Party…

She really became part of the fabric of our party. We’re really going to miss her. It’s very sad.

Another GOP-assisted death.

Without a doubt, this was another GOP induced death.

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