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I got my daughter a sparkling water maker to save the environment from her addiction to this water.

I got my daughter a sparkling water maker to save the environment from her addiction to this water.

My daughter drinks a lot of sparkling water. It was costing too much and it is bad for the environment. I bought her the SodaStream Terra Sparkling Water Maker — problem solved & environmentalist bona fides maintained.

The sparkling water machine is worth it

I am temporarily living with my daughter as she recovers from her 2nd stroke in less than two years. We trust this will be the last as the AVM in her brain cauterizes. She drinks a lot of water, more so than what I remember her drinking over the years.

Ashley has now developed a taste for bubbly water. This abiding dad, one that continues to spoil his no-longer-baby-girl kept her refrigerator populated with bottles of bubbly water. It was expensive even buying it in bulk from Costco.

Well, I purchased the SodaStream Terra Sparkling Water Maker which was the least expensive one with good reviews that I found. After doing a few calculations, I figured out that the machine paid for itself in less than a month. Most importantly it helps save the environment from all of the waste disposing of the plastic and glass bottles.

Ashley told me she prefers the taste of the sparkling water we make. We use tap water filtered through her Brita Water Filter Pitcher. She even added some flavoring when she was in the mood for a taster drink.

So, I solved several problems at once. I saved a whole lot of money. My daughter had her virtually limitless supply of bubbly water. And we do our part from further polluting the environment.

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