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A Visibly EXASPERATED Chuck Todd grills Republican congressman who became a real Trump sycophant.

A Visibly EXASPERATED Chuck Todd grills Republican congressman who became a real Trump sycophant

Chuck Todd was visibly exasperated as a sycophantic member of Congress said he would support Trump if he ran for president again.

Congressman Tom Reed reasserts hid Trump sycophancy

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One has to ask, what does a retiring congressman have to fear by doing the right thing? Tom Reed voted against impeachment twice. Now that he is retiring, one would expect thi=s congressman to point out the cancerous tissue that is Donald Trump to our Democracy. After all, Rep. Reed seemed like an actual Conservative Republican.

Chuck Todd said they asked several dozen Republicans to appear to discuss January 6th, and only Reed accepted. Based on his interview, it seems he came to ensure Trump realized retired or not he will remain a sycophant. Maybe he was hedging for a position in a Trump administration. Or could it be worse? He came across scared as he pledged support for Trump.

Reed tried to draw false equivalences between the terrorists on the Right and the Left fighting for social, criminal, and economic justice. He claimed that the country needed Trump to shake up Washington and that Trump was looking out for the little man. This congressman cannot be that gullible. Listen to the entire clip. We have a lot of work to do.

It is clear brave and honorable Republicans like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger is not the norm. We need more to step up.

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