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The Three phases of Ted Cruz: From Trump attacker to endorser to embarrassing apologizer

The Three phases of Ted Cruz: From Trump attacker to endorser to embarrassing apologizer

Ari Melber has had it with Ted Cruz. Clips from the segment prove Trump and his sycophants are complicit. Americans should punish them all.

Ted Cruz proves he has always been spineless

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Ari Melber used Ted Cruz’s words from the past and present to show that he has no core. When Trump disparaged his wife and father during the 2016 Republican primaries, he was not too kind to Trump. Melber showed clips of Cruz calling out Trump vociferously at different press conferences.

Melber reminded us that Cruz did not endorse Trump at the Republican convention. Since Trump became president, Cruz has become one of the most vocal Trump sycophants. It is not hard to figure out why. He likely believes staying in good grace with Trump gives him access to Trump voters for his next presidential run.

Sadly Cruz has no problem throwing his wife, his dad, and now the American people to do so. Ted Cruz got called out for calling the January 6th insurrection a terrorist attack. Cruz then began his apology tour on Tucker Carlson, claiming it was sloppy phrasing. The thing is, Cruz has been using the “sloppy” language many times before.

It is funny that while Cruz called January 6th a terrorist attack, he was part of the plan to steal the election from Joe Biden. Peter Navarro made that quite clear in an interview with Ari Melber a few days ago.

Anyone with Cruz’s character should never hold elective office, let alone become president of the United States. One hopes that by November 2022, America will start the deconstruction of Trumpism, and all those who knew it to be wrong but tagged along.

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