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Sen. Amy Klobuchar all but called Joe Manchin a liar on filibuster stance as she slammed Republicans

Sen. Amy Klobuchar slams Republicans and all but called Joe Manchin a liar on filibuster stance

Senator Amy Klobuchar slammed Republican Senators and implicitly called Joe Manchin a  liar for his filibuster statement.

Senator Amy Klobuchar slammed supporters of the not-in-constitution filibuster

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When it was time for Joe Manchin to give his speech about modifying the filibuster to pass the voting rights bill, he made a fool of himself. He claimed that it would mean a Senate without rules even though the rule change would be for the voting rights bill only.

Manchin willfully neglects that there are three far-Right Supreme Court Justices who are there because Mitch McConnell changed the filibuster to allow Supreme Court Justices to be installed on a 51-vote majority. It is clear that the poster behind Manchin is false. It said the following.

Joe Manchin Lied

“The United States has never been able to end debate with a simple majority.”

But it was up to Amy Klobuchar who would call out Joe Manchin as a liar without mentioning him by name as she excoriated the Republicans.

“There are 160 exceptions, 160 exceptions to the filibuster bull,” Amy Klobuchar said. “Things have been changed to benefit my colleagues from the other side of the aisle.  Somehow it only takes 51 votes to put in place the Trump tax cuts or the Bush tax cuts. Somehow it only took 51 votes to put Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court of the United States, a change made by them. Somehow it only takes 51 votes to try to overturn a regulation or try to mess around with the Affordable Care Act. But then when it comes to something like voting rights, suddenly everyone on the other side of the aisle is hugging that filibuster tight knowing that so many times in history including most recently with a debt ceiling, changes have been made to allow a vote with less than 60 votes, the National Gas Policy Act in 1977, in 1995, the Endangered Species Act, in 1996 changed the reconciliation process.”

Her closing sentence was prescient and needs to be on the tip of our tongues.

“Silencing the people of America all in the name of an archaic senate rule that isn’t even in the constitution, that’s just wrong!”

It could not be said any clearer. 

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