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In Washington there is no CENTER: An explanation even the news media can understand

In Washington there is no CENTER: An explanation even the news media can understand

Analyst David Rothkopf exposed an inconvenient truth hiding in full view. The news media makes believe. There’s only a mythical center.

An analyst rolling off Democratic successes

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Analyst David Rothkopf appeared with Lawrence O’Donnell on the Last Word. He hit the nail on the head.

“This notion that centrism is,” Lawrence O’Donnell said. “Whatever Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema and I don’t know, maybe one or two Republican senators say it is.”

“Well, it’s a kind of crazy notion,” David Rothkopf said. “You know, there’s this idea right now blame, blame the left for Biden’s struggles. Except in the first case, Biden’s not really struggling. He had a very successful first year. His poll ratings are higher than Trump’s were and he won the last election by 8 million votes. But in the second case, on every single thing he went for, he had the support of those 48 Democrats you’re talking about, and on most of it, he also had the support of Sinema and Manchin. Now if you say blame the left, are you saying those 48 are the left and it’s just these two people who represent the center? Of course, it’s ludicrous. In Washington, there really is no center. There’s a Republican bloc that seeks only to obstruct this administration. And they’re Democrats who are usually together, except for these couple of people. Now, out in the country, it’s a different story. And that’s you know one of the problems we’ve got. The politics of Washington has become disconnected from the politics of the United States. Joe Biden is a centrist and if you go through the initiatives he has supported, whether it’s child care, education reform, environmental initiatives, and so forth, they are all supported by very substantial majorities of Americans, Democrats, and Independents, the center and the left. So the critique is completely unsubstantiated and out of touch.”

He nails it on the head. And the media is a perpetrator of plutocracy-driven misinformation.

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