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Republican Senators in major leadership civil war, Mitch McConnell vs Rick Scott

Republican Senators in major leadership civil war, Mitch McConnell vs Rick Scott

Senator Rick Scott is not backing down from his 11 point plan even after Senator Mitch McConnell dissed him at a press conference.

Mitch McConnell vs. Rick Scott, Civil War?

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Remember when Mitch McConnell dissed Rick Scott at a recent press conference? Rick Scot likely knew what would happen because he did not stick around. McConnell said that the tax hikes in the Republicans plan outlined by Rick Scott did not stand a chance because he is the would-be leader of the Senate, and he would not allow it to get to the floor.

Well, Rick Scott gave it back where it hurts. He penned an oped in the Wall Street Journal titled “Why I’m Defying Beltway Cowardice” that was piercing.

He started with an attack on Democrats and Progressives.

I have committed heresy in Washington. I’ve been in the Senate for only three years, and I have released an 11-point plan with 128 ideas on what Republicans should do after we win the coming elections and take control of the Senate and House. In the real world beyond the Beltway, Republicans and independents demand bold action and a plan to save our nation. They see no point in taking control of Congress if we are simply going to return to business as usual.

We are losing this country. The militant left has seized control of the federal government, the news media, big tech, academia, Hollywood, the Democratic Party, most corporate boardrooms and even some of our top military leaders. The elites atop our nation’s institutions are working hard to redefine America and silence their opponents. They want to end the American experiment and replace it with a woke socialist utopia, and we are sitting around watching it happen.

He then indirectly knocks Mitch McConnell in two separate paragraphs.

I’ve been told there are unwritten rules in Washington about what you can and cannot say. You can’t tell the public that Social Security and Medicare are going bankrupt. You can’t talk about term limits, because, while voters want them, nobody in Washington does. You can’t talk about balancing the budget or shrinking the debt. …

There will be many more attacks on me and this plan from careerists in Washington, who personally profit while ruining this country. Bring it on. The American people are fed up, and they will show that at the ballot box this November.

I find the last paragraph laughable since Rick Scott was the head of Columbia/HCA when they committed massive fraud against Medicare. He should be in jail. But we know that wealthy thugs get different treatment than petty thieves.

While Scott might balk at “careerists in Washington, who personally profit while ruining this country,” it is hard to believe any of them made the millions he made that could be attributed to ripping off the government via the private sector.

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