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GOP and FOX News now support immigration and federal deficits

It’s true the GOP and FOX news now fully support immigration and unlimited federal deficit spending! It only took three weeks for their complete conversion and one European country—Ukraine.

Let’s begin with FOX News’ sudden conversion. FOX used to report incessantly on the crisis at the border. We were told that our country was being overrun with illegal immigrants during breaking news flash night after night. They reported that migrants trains composed of thousands of immigrants came from Central America to our southern border. Republican governors as far from the border as South Dakota, especially Texas Governor Greg Abbot, were calling out their National Guardsmen to support the U.S. Border Patrol Agents that were being overwhelmed.

Fox nightly news interviewed dozens of current and former Congress members who lambasted President Biden over his failure to control our southern border. Every FOX news anchor, morning show, and talking head parroted the same message “the illegal immigrants are coming.” They said that “Joe Biden invited them.”

FOX news, morning shows, and the talking personalities failed to report on the inhumane treatment of immigrants under former President Trump. Children were separated from their parents and placed in holding cells.

Suddenly, FOX News is reporting that we should embrace the illegal immigrants from Ukraine who are amassed at our southern border seeking entry. FOX says that these Ukrainian immigrants who showed up at our southern border are women and children. FOX News is not asking how the Ukrainian immigrants got to Mexico from Europe. FOX News is not asking why did they choose to come to Mexico? FOX News is not reporting that these illegal Ukrainian immigrants seek to “jump the line” ahead of those immigrants who apply legally to immigrate to the United States. Not one FOX reporter, anchor, morning news show, or talking has suggested that the Ukrainian immigrant  “go to the end of the proverbial line.” Fox is now oozing with compassion for immigrants.

I thought journalists had the duty and responsibility to report the truth, unbiased, and independent news. We should all be waiting for FOX news to explain their turn (don’t hold your breath).

The GOP has gone from America First to Europe first, and we will pay any price to maintain a free democratic Ukraine. The GOP would always first ask, “how much and how are we going to pay this?” The GOP was the party that opposed deficit spending for welfare, medical care, and social programs. Suddenly, the GOP supported and passed a spending bill that included billions of dollars in welfare aid, medical care, and social programs not for Americans but Europeans! Wow, how does this happen? Not one Republican Senator opposed this spending for Europe. They resisted and left out spending for continued covid-19 care of Americans. So much for “Making America Great Again.”

Now, what is the GOP saying about the illegal immigration problem of Ukrainians at our southern border-Nothing! They are joining President Biden in a bi-partisan effort to open our borders to all Ukrainians. Presently, there are over two million Ukrainian refugees in Europe. Since the United States is a part of NATO, we will be taking in Ukrainian refugees to help our fellow NATO partners. We will have legal and illegal immigrants coming from Ukraine. It appears as long as the refugees come from Ukraine, the GOP will remain forever silent on immigration issues. We now have bi-partisan support in opening up our southern border to immigrants.

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