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Maria Bartiromo was exposed as a Trump sycophant & journalistic fraud by the latest revealed texts.

Maria Bartiromo was exposed as a Trump sycophant & journalistic fraud by the latest revealed texts.

Fox News host Maria Bartiromo always tries to appear as a real journalist. It turns out she is a fraud and Trump sycophant like the rest there,

Maria Bartiromo is a fraud like the rest at Fox News

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MSNBC Host Chris Hayes perfectly packaged the latest text leaks between Maria Bartiromo and the Trump administration. He showed Bartiromo’s complicity in framing the fraud that was the January 6th attempted coup on the United States by Trump and his respective terrorists perfectly.’

“Just an hour before she was set to interview Trump live on the air in late November,” Chris Hayes said. “Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo text messages Meadows the question she planned on asking the president. Bartiromo wrote, quote, Hi. The public wants to know he will fight this. They want to hear a path to victory. & he’s in control. 1Q You’ve said MANY TIMES THIS ELECTION IS RIGGED… And the facts are on your side. Let’s start there. What are the facts? Characterize what took place here.”

Previous to the interview, Bartiromo also sent the following text.’

Again, Please make sure he doesn’t go off on tangents. We want to know he is strong. He’s a fighter and he will win.

Hayes points out that Bartiromo asked the president the question verbatim an hour later. Unfortunately, the president did go off on a tangent. But that is not the issue.

Republicans and the Right Wing misinformation complex constantly insinuate that people must handle President Joe Biden. They try to tarnish his competency. Of course, we all know better. Trump faltered even when one attempted to control him.

Maria Bartiromo, Lou Dobbs, Sean Hannity, and all the Trump sycophants at Fox News are a clear and present danger to the United States.

Significantly, the President is establishing the Disinformation Governance Board. And, of course, the perpetrators of disinformation, misinformation, and lies have begun hyperventilation and complaints. One of the most pathetic liars, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO), complained on Twitter. He could not help himself. Even his tweet complaining used a lie.

It is about time these frauds are exposed.

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