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Republicans are setting up the courts for minority rule even in a more progressive country.

Republicans are setting up the courts for minority rule even in a more progressive country.

There are a lot of headwinds. Progressives and their allies must win with supermajorities to be a deterrent to the courts owned by the Plutocracy.

This is what minority rule by the courts looks like

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Have you wondered why Mitch McConnell blocked Merrick Garland, Obama’s Supreme Court pick, at all cost? Have you asked why Republicans had the gall to kill the filibuster on Supreme Court justices even though it is the most powerful position in the country? Have you wondered why our most inept president appointed a crop of young, unqualified judges on our Federal Circuit Courts and the Supreme Court?

We should not believe that the take over of the courts by one party is a Trump thing. He is neither analytical nor intelligent. We should stop concentrating on the clown show by Republicans who try to get our attention every day. The GOP is not only destroying the middle-class economically as the clowns distract us. They intend to change the legislative fabric to disempower the masses. The neutering of the middle-class is not a new thing. It has been orchestrated for some time now.

Republicans are using the Constitution to accomplish the above feat. It is about using that document to prevent the change in the country that will no longer tolerate bias against the masses. Any law they do not want will be deemed unconstitutional. Those chosen by the plutocracy to be their wards, the ones who will protect them at all cost, are fighting to keep their “good fortune,” read the same people against Medicare for All and other programs that will uplift the poor and middle-classes.

As the mainstream media continue to hyperventilate on the GOP clown show., Progressive media must stay focused. We must continue to inform all Americans about the national con. The court system is becoming progressive’s enemy, obstructing progress for all.

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