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Mallory McMorrow has a winning Democratic message for the next election. Lean in!

Mallory McMorrow has a winning Democratic message for the next election. Lean in!

Michigan State Senator Mallory McMorrow is the new Progressive darling in defining our narrative for all to understand. She leans in.

Mallory McMorrow has a Progressive message.

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The change in this country will be coming from young Progressives who have no fear of leaning into their values unabashedly. After all, progressive values are what most Americans want, whether articulated or inferred.

A Conservative Right-Wing Michigan State Senator recently used all the standard Republican lies against Democrats on her. She did not take it. She responded with a speech that should inform all Democrats of how to respond to Republicans in a fighting spirit.

She recently appeared on MSNBC and had the following after Host Jonathan Capehart told her that James Carville said shea was “an enormously effective piece of communication and that he’d show this clip as an instructional video.” Capehart asked her why she resonated with the base.

“It took back our own identity,” Mallory McMorrow said. “For too long, we have ceded ground that Republicans stand for family and parental rights and faith, that faith is important to you. And I think taking that back and saying, ‘Right now it’s a target on the back of LGBTQ kids, especially trans kids.’ Tomorrow it’s going to be something else. We know that. This is, Scott Galloway said this morning, weapons of mass distraction to distract you from the fact that Republicans do not have any policy plans to help anybody else. So whether you’re the parent of a trans kid or not, this is hurting you. And I think that really resonated and is something that we need to carry forward into the midterms.”

She nailed it. If Progressives and Democrats stop fearing the boisterous nature of those who stand for nothing and start telling Americans what they want to do, people will listen. Most importantly, they must point out that we need more Progressives elected from the state level to the national. Neoliberal Democrats and obstructionist Republicans won’t do.

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