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Matthew Dowd excoriates GOP for this latest white supremacist mass shooting that is now the norm.

Matthew Dowd excoriates GOP for this latest white supremacist mass shooting that is now the norm.

Political analyst Matthew Dowd has some prescient words for the Right-Wing. Sadly, it is likely to fall on deaf ears as they have become a death-sect group.

Mathew Dowd has some prescient words for MAGA

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Before I got started, a friend just sent me a WhatsApp video of the mass shooting, a mass killing in Buffalo, New York. Payton S. Gendron of Conklin, New York, is the white man, a white supremacist who performed the heinous act. The people did not know what hit them. He murdered them in demonic form as if he were gunning down animals. There is a particular evil within this guy that is hard to understand.

According to media reports, he wrote a 180-page manifesto. He claims he has been planning this mass killing since January. He notes that he picked up his ideology from the internet and describes himself as a fascist, a White supremacist, and an anti-Semite. The attack was premeditated. He also apparently studied other mass shootings. Of course, some of the articles continue to give the impression that these shooters have mental problems instead of being hate-filled by Fox News’s Tucker Carlson and others in the Right-Wing MAGA.

We should remember that Fox News and other Republicans have been pushing the same Replacement Theory the killer spoke about in his writings. Tucker Carlson was one of the most ardent promoters of the subject. Journalist Soledad O’Brien tweeted the following: House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik is complicit in the GOP’s hate-filled narrative.

Yes, that is what the Republican Party has become. And they must atone for the carnage they are leaving behind. It is imperative that Democrats win big in 2022 and that Republicans lose big with many of the terrorists among them prosecuted.

Soon after the massacre, Matthew Dowd, a Texan, a gun owner, and a former Republican, had a prescient message.

“I’m a gun owner,” Matthew Dowd said. “I live in Texas, and I’m all for gun reform. In this, I think what we’ve reached is too often that too many, especially the GOP side keep saying, ‘Let’s just treat this as a single incident.’ What we’ve arrived at today is what happens when you put a toxic brew together of rising white supremacy and the availability of guns. This is an 18-year-old. He has access to guns that can kill. It sounds like, from what the governor said, he had access illegally in, making it basically an assault weapon in what he used. And we have this rising tide of white supremacy. And so, we have to stop treating any of these like a single incident. The last ten years the greatest domestic threat of terrorism in this country by far comes from white supremacists. This brew pushed by many leaders of our country of this sort of white nationalism, white supremacy combined with access to guns which the GOP wants to do nothing about.”

We must call it what it is. Most importantly, it is time to consistently tag this violence on Republicans who have become nothing but a MAGA affiliate.

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