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Stephanie Ruhle implores voters: Ask Republicans for their answer to inflation before a blind vote.

Stephanie Ruhle implores voters: Ask Republicans for their answer to inflation before a blind vote.

Republicans falsely blame Biden for inflation. Stephanie Ruhle wants Americans to ask the GOP for solutions to earn a vote. They’ve got none.

Stephanie Ruhle sets the bar.

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An economic system requiring the masses to suffer through cycles of pain is inhumane and inefficient. The powers trained us to accept a system that does not serve us well but ensures that they do well during an upturn or a downturn at the expense of the masses.

We are fighting through various economic woes created by those who run the economic system. Unfortunately, the Republican Party and the neoliberal factions of the Democratic Party are responsible for this dangerous financial trap that the masses must live through. They have ceded power to govern that the public has given to capitalist psychopaths who value capital over humanity and our well-being.

$5.00/gallon should be illegal when the oil supply problem is a fiction created by profiteering corporations purposefully reducing refining and claiming oil shortages. Since many blame the government for creating an environment where oil companies refuse to create a critical product affordably, the government should immediately nationalize the industry. Review my articles “Oil companies are fraudsters: They make record profits then blame Biden for ripping us off” and “There’s an oil glut, not a shortage. High prices are a worldwide fraud by corporations. Here’s why.”

Stephanie Ruhle recently discussed the economic system’s plight and the trouble Democrats find themselves in because Americans falsely believe that Democrats somehow have control. Again, prices are high because corporations choose to legally rob any extra dollar Americans received from the stimulus and wage increases plus a bit more. The stealing will continue until a political party is willing to threaten offending industries selling critical products to Americans with nationalization.

“Republicans right now are using inflation to push people to the polls because it’s tough for us,” Stephanie Ruhle said. “So I ask you, just like we’re asking the president and this administration, what are you doing about inflation? Republicans say it’s the number one issue for the American people. Ask them if they win in November. What are they going to do?”

Suppose Republicans are not talking about, at minimum, a windfall profit tax to give back to those the corporations stole from at minimum, but preferably nationalization of offending industries. In that case, they do not deserve to be elected. We have the power if we choose to assert it.

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