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BOOYAH: She is Right! We are slaves to a Constitution written by a tiny group of slave owners.

BOOYAH: She is Right! We are slaves to a Constitution written by a tiny group of slave owners.

Rosa Brooks, Georgetown University Law Professor, gets it correct. We have enslaved ourselves to a Constitution with tenets that allow profiteers to cause us harm.

She categorized the Constitution as the flawed document it is.

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I could not hold back my excitement after listening to the honesty of this professor. Too many treat the Constitution like an infallible religious document even though we all know we had to add many amendments to humanize those that look different or were of different genders than the authors.

Professor Rosa Brooks discussed the impotence of our political leaders making changes to stop mass shootings. A part of her commentary hit the nail on the head not only for our incapacity to solve our gun violence issues but many others that afflict us.

Brooks first told her story.

“I’ve worked in conflict zones around the world,” Brooks said. “And I was thinking, as you showed the footage from Highland Park, I was thinking, boy, those sounds are like the sounds you hear in war zones. And there are people all over the world who have lived during armed conflicts in daily terror. When does the mortar fall on your house? When does the soldier or the tank come down the street and just kill you?”

Brooks then made it clear that it is our choice that we are living that reality.

“We are now living in that world, too,” the professor said. “And we have brought it on ourselves. Right? I mean, we can’t say, okay, it’s the Russians’ fault. They shouldn’t have invaded us or, you know, oops, it’s al Qaeda. This is us. This is 100% us.”

The professor then said that while undeniably true, very few are willing to articulate inconvenient truth.

“And it’s because we are essentially slaves to a document that was written more than 230 years ago by a tiny group of white slave-owning men,” Brooks said. “And we cannot break out of the bondage that we’ve imposed on ourselves from feeling like we have to. Everything by our part is decided in reference to this ancient document, which is just not serving as well. It is causing enormous problems and enormous tragedies at this point.”

We can extrapolate many other human tragedies, including the latest ruling on abortion. Worse, during the next Supreme Court session, the court many use constitutional language to allow states to overturn the will of the people in their states.

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