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Why I include right-wing trolls in my media show’s chat with pleasure

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Photo by Tara Winstead on

If Progressive media hosts and commentators continue singing solely to the choir, we are not doing our job. We are to empower our own, yes. But we must have a bigger purpose.

Progressive media hosts most speak to everyone

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I love all the folks tuning in to my programs. They are great supporters. Some of them, however, get furious at me because I engage with some in our real-time chats they consider Right-Wing trolls and hacks. Many times I think they are right.

But here is the issue, we have many Right-Wing ‘trolls’ that visit our program daily almost without fail. And they parrot many of the Right-Wing messages they hear on Fox News, OAN, and NewsMax. Many of our Progressives in the chat are always ready to rebuff them with reputable resources and links factually.

When I deem something the ‘troll’ says may merit even more context, I will likely create a narrative around it. Our live feeds (Youtube Live | Facebook Live | Twitter | Twitch) live on as podcasts forever.

Millions of Americans are succumbing to the misinformation and disinformation from the Right-Wing trolls. IMHO, engaging those who promote the lies in public is a disinfecting. Fox News, NewsMax, and OAN have no rebuttal. Politics Done Right, along with all of its accompanying blogsbooks, and articles, is one small service to not only refute the lies but a truthful narrative with alternatives. We do not solely refute but provide truth and proven objective solutions.

Here is a bit of humble advice. America is really at a tipping point. Several forces are working here. Unfortunately, there is one good force and several evil forces. We have a Taliban-like Evangelical movement attempting to “talibanize” America. We have a racist white-nationalist movement promoting hatred as they try to keep a sect of men in power. And lastly, we have a corporatocracy embracing an economic system where all the spoils go to the few. These movements are interdependent. Only the progressive movement is highlighting the chaos that said reality creates. And it is on us to enlighten their indoctrinated soldiers.

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