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GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger: Donald Trump is a stain on our history, a dishonor to those who fought.

GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger: Donald Trump is a stain on our history, a dishonor to those who fought.

Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger did not hold back his disdain for Donald Trump, and he expressed it in no uncertain tones.

Adam Kinzinger excoriates Trump

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Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney’s presence on the January 6th Commission took away the GOP and MAGA talking point, claiming it was not bipartisan. Truth does not require bipartisanship. Striving for bipartisanship often tends to temper facts to get buy-in from the Right.

Kinzinger and Cheney are not on the commission for the sake of bipartisanship optics. They are active participants and are instrumental in ensuring Democrats don’t do what they do best, smoothening the rough edges of their adversaries.

I disagree with Kinzinger’s and Cheney’s very conservative ideologies. I think they are entirely wrong on social issues and international issues. But unlike too many Republican leaders, I now consider these two real patriots. Even though Kinzinger is retiring from Congress, his frontal attack on Trump will likely cost him potential good-paying jobs. In the case of Cheney, she may lose her congressional seat.

One had to be impressed with Kinzinger’s excoriation of Donald Trump in the most recent hearings.

Whatever your politics, whatever you think about the outcome of the election, we as Americans must all agree on this. Donald Trump’s conduct on January 6th was a supreme violation of his oath of office and a complete dereliction of his duty to our nation. It is a stain on our history. It is a dishonor to all those who have sacrificed and died in service of our democracy.

When we present our full findings, we will recommend changes to laws and policies to guard against another January 6th. The reason that’s imperative is that the forces Donald Trump ignited that day have not gone away. The militant, intolerant ideologies, the militias, the alienation and the disaffection, the weird fantasies and disinformation. They’re all still out there ready to go.

That’s the elephant in the room. But if January six has reminded us of anything, I pray it is reminded us of this. Laws are just words on paper. They mean nothing without public servants dedicated to the rule of law and who are held accountable by a public that believes oath matters. Oaths matter more than party tribalism or the cheap thrill of scoring political points.

We, the people, must demand more of our politicians and ourselves. Oaths matter. Character matters. Truth matters. If we do not renew our faith and commitment to these principles, this great experiment of ours, our shining beacon on a hill will not endure.

He leaves nothing to question. I was impressed with those four paragraphs from the likes of Adam Kinzinger. But it needed to be said and best told through the oration of a very conservative Republican.

Former President Trump directed an attempted coup on the United States of America. Just like he was an incompetent president, he was an incompetent coup leader. Had he been competent, the coup may have been successful. His failure exposed all the flaws in our laws. Competently exploiting these flaws would otherwise have been successful.

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