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Make America Great Again (MAGA) deconstructed and exposed as crap for most.

Make America Great Again (MAGA) deconstructed and exposed as crap for most.

Jon Meacham with Stephanie Ruhle exposed Make America Great Again (MAGA) in an interesting exchange that I took one step further.

The MAGA perception was never real for most.

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A snippet of a discussion between Stephanie Ruhle and historian Jon Meacham touched me. How often does one hear the inconvenient truth that the America of the past, for many people, is not something we want or strive for at all?

Jon Meacham captured it as he discussed a word Ruhle objects to, unprecedented. She points out that they defined everything Trump did as unprecedented. It has lost its punch as people start acquiescing to the unprecedented.

“The precedents we have to pay attention to is a rule of law, a love of neighbor, and a mutual respect,” Jon Meacham said. “Otherwise, it’s not going to matter because then we’re going to descend into a state of total warfare all the time. I’m not arguing for some sentimental past. I don’t think there’s; you know, when people talk about restoring certain things, hell, it wasn’t all that great then. Right. I mean, I’m a boringly heterosexual white, southern male, Episcopalian. You know, things worked out for me in this country. But for a lot of people, it doesn’t. And the story of the country is a journey toward a more perfect union, not a perfect one. And so what we have to remind ourselves, and this is hugely important, and it makes what you do so important and is in the lived experience of a lot of people, the America doesn’t really work.”

Stephanie Ruhle ended the segment with the following prescient statement.

“I’m reminded of Steve Bannon, who wanted to tear the system down,” Ruhle said. “And in terms of a perfect union, you’ve got all sorts of Americans that do not want us to be a union. And I leave you with a reminder that the whole premise of Make America Great Again, while there are millions of Americans who want to do that, for millions of other Americans, it wasn’t great It wasn’t great before 2022 or 2021 for lots of us.”

The statements both Ruhle and Meacham made are sentiments seldom captured in the mainstream media, especially from the bastion of Americana, Meachum, and Ruhle. Imagine if more could understand said reality. Please watch the entire enclosed video with some additional points I make.

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