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While Jackson, Mississippi, lives with dirty water, the state’s wealthy steal federal welfare money.

While Jackson, Mississippi, lives with dirty water, the state's wealthy steal federal welfare money.

The likes of millionaire football player Brett Favre get millions from the state’s welfare funds as Jackson, Mississippi, citizens have no drinking water.

Mississippi is MAGA policies on steroids.

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It is shameful that the poorest state in the country has used federal dollars targeted at the poor to rich people in Mississippi. This misuse of federal dollars is an evil that, while prevalent with politicians controlled by an insatiable rich, is visible throughout our oligarchy.

Think about it. The Build Back Better bill was separated into a hard infrastructure bill that builds roads, bridges, etc., and a human infrastructure bill that builds up humans via family leave, healthcare, some form of basic income, childcare, and more. MAGA Republicans did not solely push this split but the GOP at large and neoliberal Democrats.

The hard infrastructure bill makes it easy for the wealthy owners of construction companies to skim the money. The human infrastructure bill does so much more but is spread throughout the population, raising the many. That does not fulfill the systemic selfishness that defines our current economic system. We prioritize business interests over human interests — the few over the many.

This story is pathetic. That 90% of people in need are denied assistance in Mississippi while Brett Favre can use the money targeted to the poor for million-dollar speeches he never made is no accident but an evil norm in that state.

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