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Beto O’Rourke dings Greg Abbott for his party’s hateful rhetoric responsible for our violence

Beto O’Rourke did something that he needed to do again and again. Blame Governor Greg Abbott’s MAGA rhetoric for the violence in the country.

Beto O’Rourke did something that he needed to do again and again. Blame Governor Greg Abbott’s MAGA rhetoric for the violence in the country.

Beto O’Rourke nailed it.

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Republicans have been playing a dangerous game. They carouse with some of the evilest organizations, effectively normalizing them. That is what Donald Trump did in his debate with Joe Biden when he told his white supremacist groups to stand back and stand by.

Trump’s and MAGA Republican’s behavior is likely responsible for the lone wolves that have been raising havoc as they killed and maimed around our country. That is why it is important for good politicians to call them out and ensure Americans understand the damage they are causing the country.

“This hateful rhetoric, this treating human beings as political pawns,” said Beto O’Rourke. “Talking about invasions and Texans defending themselves, that is how people get killed at the Walmart in El Paso, the gentleman in Hudspeth we just heard about yesterday, this is incredibly dangerous for Texas, and it is not reflective of our values.”

It is mind-boggling that Democrats are ceding the crime debate to the Republicans. It is they who unleashed guns on America. It is they who underfunded services that would help parents and children alike that would mitigate crimes, petty and otherwise.

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