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I AGREE! Michael Moore says it is almost impossible for Democrats to lose the midterms — If …

I AGREE! Michael Moore says it is almost impossible for Democrats to lose the midterms -- If ...

Is Michael Moore delusional? I do not think so. I said months ago these midterms are there for Democrats to win. It is the choice of their GOTV and respect for their voters now!

Michael Moore is right if …

Watch Politics Done Right T.V. here.

Even the host, Ari Melber, gave Michael Moore a look of incredulity. Too many of us have rested our faith in what the powers want us to believe and think. I am not saying the polling is wrong based on their methodology. I am pointing out that we have a media that sets a narrative biased by a plutocracy that pulls the strings. That narrative influences the minds of all. But every so often, enough people engage with those who respect them to allow some truth to sink in. That is Moore’s expectation. That is my wish. That is why many of us are working hard to reach those we know polls never reach.

It is always disappointing to see a media that influences in the wrong direction. Midterms are always lost by the party in power — except when it doesn’t happen. The only time it does not happen, the media would say, is when something extraordinary occurs, the Lewinsky Scandal and the Iraq War. So, is the insurrection and the election of Republican deniers not an extraordinary event? Is Rick Scott codifying making Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid optional not an extraordinary event? Of course, they are.

The problem is Americans are so busy and preoccupied all they see is inflation and the semblance of increased crime. They don’t see the clear and present danger Republican policy is to further increase violent gun crime, corporate tax cut-driven inflation, and the destruction of their income as they sabotage their Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare.

There is time for Americans to wake up. And the time is now. Those in the know can make the difference.

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