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These ‘STRONG MEN’ are at the heights of Republican hypocrisy amid their ongoing support for Trump.

These 'STRONG MEN' are at the heights of Republican hypocrisy amid their ongoing support for Trump.

Ayman Mohyeldin & Mehdi Hasan discuss the hypocrisy and cowardice of Republican me scared to buck Donald Trump.

Republican hypocrisy in full vogue

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Mehdi Hasan ridiculed the former Vice-President, Mike Pence, for his “non-apology self-rehabilitation media” book tour. Pence was unable to rule out supporting Trump in the future.

“I’m just fed up,” Mehdi said. “My image of these establishment Republicans who served under Trump enabled him for years, then distanced themselves from Trump in order to sell a book but still won’t rule out supporting him again in two years’ time. I’m fed up with the cowardice and the cynicism.”

Ayman Mohyeldin played an even more telling clip where former Speaker of The House Paul Ryan said he wanted Trump to get out of the picture because he was a loser — but not for his crimes?

“I am a Never Again Trumper,” Paul Ryan said. “Why? Because I want to win, and we lose with Trump.”

“He wants to win, and they can’t win with Trump,” Mohyeldin said. “Not that Trump is a bad person who caged children and separated families or banned Muslims from this country or fanned the flames of racism and anti-Semitism. I can go on and on and on. No, no, that’s not it. It’s not policies that Paul Ryan has a problem with. It’s the name Trump. It’s only about power for these Republicans. It is rarely about principle.”

Republicans, as they support political deviants like Herschel Walker and Kari Lake and others, their ineptitude or inherent evil does not matter. It is only about the win — power. The hypocrisy is deep. And it has consequences. Unfortunately for these political hacks, they can escape most of the consequences as they retire to their gated communities while the chaos they allow continues to create havoc among the masses.

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