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Watch Hakeem Jeffries slam the GOP MAGA Congress’ first 3 days of terrible policies in the House.

Watch Hakeem Jeffries slam the GOP MAGA Congress's first 3 days of terrible policies in the House.

Hakeem Jeffries proves we needed fresh blood as the voice of the Democrats. So far, he presents a balance between the wings of the party with a strong voice that defines the catastrophe Republicans have become.

Hakeem Jeffries shines!

Watch Politics Done Right T.V. here.

Minority Leader, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, appeared on the floor to excoriate Republicans for the horrendous job they are doing for the American people during their first three days. After telling Republicans he wanted to work with them, he called them out.

“Our Republican colleagues, you promised to come to Washington to fight for the American people,” Jeffries said. “But have spent a lot of time fighting each other on politics, power, and personality, not working on issues related to the public interests. That’s what the last few days have indicated, an extreme MAGA Republican agenda.”

Hakeem Jeffries then enumerated the first three days of the Republicans’ catastrophic agenda.

“Now that you are getting into substance, on Monday, you passed a bill designed to allow the wealthy, the well-off, and the well-connected to cheat on their taxes, to subsidize the lifestyles of the rich and shameless benefit millionaires and billionaires,” Hakeem Jeffries continued. “Not working-class families, not middle-class families, not low-income families, not veterans, not everyday Americans, the wealthy, the well-off, and the well-connected. That was on Monday.”

“And on Tuesday, you come to the floor, and you pass a select committee on insurrection protection,” Jeffries continued. “A committee that is clearly designed, in the words of some of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, to obstruct justice as part of your evident desire, as many of you have said, to eventually defund the FBI. That was Tuesday.”

“And now, on Wednesday, you come to the floor,” Jeffries said. “Nothing on inflation, nothing on quality of life issues for the American people, nothing even on public safety. But you come to the floor as part of your march to criminalize abortion care, to impose a nationwide ban, to set into motion government-mandated pregnancies. So that’s the distinction for today.”

This is how you call these clowns out with class. They do not know how to govern. They lack empathy, civility, and morals. The contrasts could not be more apparent.

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