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Trump’s longest-serving Chief of Staff did not realize they made men at Trump’s level of stupid.

Trump's longest-serving Chief of Staff did not realize they made men at Trump's level of stupid.

Former Trump’s longest-serving Chief of Staff did not realize how stupid Trump really is, according to the author of the book “Donald Trump v. The United States,” Michael Schmidt.

Trump’s former Chief Of Staff knew he was “stupid?”

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Michael Schmidt, author of “Donald Trump v. The United States,” has some revealing information about the thoughts of the longest-serving Trump Chief of Staff, John Kelly.

“I wrote a 12,000-word biography of John Kelly that looks at his history and his time working directly for Trump,” Schmidt said. “It tells the story of someone who came in as chief of staff thinking that Trump needed to have better processes around him. He needed to be staffed better. There needed to be a better system in the West Wing that would keep Trump on track.”

But then John Kelly realized something about Trump that even a blind and a deaf person could figure out.

“Hours and just days into Kelly’s tenure, he realized that the problem was far greater than that,” Schmidt said. “The problem was Trump. And Trump was stupider, more impulsive, more limited than he ever thought he would be. Kelly later told someone who I talked to that that he didn’t know they made human beings like that. And the biggest issue that Kelly was concerned about was whether Trump was using highly incendiary language about North Korea at the time, publicly and privately, was going to set off a massive military conflict.”

All of those on the inside understood that Trump was a clear and present danger to the entire country. Yet, the 25th Amendment was never considered seriously until he almost overthrew the country with his failed coup attempt.

America must stop flirting with disaster. We need media that is engaged without false restraints. The paradigm has changed, and the style of media reporting must change with it. Reporters must stop accumulating information solely for their books and grow a patriotic spine,

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